Hatteras United Methodist Charge January 17, 2025
Those Serving in the Military | |
Kyle Austin, Noah Baker, Eric Banks Justin Bise, Ian Callahan, Isaac Copes, Zac Copes, Kayhlen Cottrel, Maya Damaito, Logan Dreisgaker, Morgan Fairbanks, Brandon Farrow, Kermit Farrow, Derek Garica-Rodriguez, Calvin Harris, Robert Harrison, Jr., Michael Hudgins, Ryan Jennette, Joe Jordan, Ryan Jordan, Austin Kingery, Noah Kierney, Michael Kostich III, Michael Layton, Garland Midgett, Tiffany Moore, Peyton Mugford, Alex Ortega, Brian Pummill, Jesse Scarborough, Matthew Serfling, Josiah Simmons, Neil Speiss, Carol Sumners, Matt Tillet, Bane Thomas, David Tolson, Sam Wallace, Kendal Woods |
PLEASE PRAY FOR: Family of Nancy Gianotti |
Frank Altimimari, Tracy Austin Jr., Matt Barclay, Edith Bradley, Bill Brown, Brenda Buciorelli, Debbie Burrus, Abbie Byron, Alice Caldwell, Dennis Caroll, Beth Carter, Mark Capps, Jiliana Carrow, Tina Clements, Donna Covey, Gwinnie Evans, Dale Farrow, Buddy Foster, Amy Goodman, DM Gray, Pat & Dan Grymes, Don Harris, Ann Hollan, Helen Hudson, Don Hugo, Bob Huizing, Roger Jarvis, Jenn Johnson, Bill Kidd, Erin Landevere, Ros Little, Barbara Maddox, Rosa Alice Mayo, Megan Meyers, Susan Myers, Matthew Murray, Marissa Murtaugh, Luke Myers, Tina O’Neal, Diane Owens, Steve Pinner, Tom Pflasterer, Sybil Skakle, Beth Smith, Kenny Smith, Jason Smith, Stephanie Spain, Jeff Stowe, Dale Traeger, Ashley Tuttle, Branson Tyler, John Ward, Joyce Waters, Barry White, Max Williams, Erlene Willis, Bucky Youngblood, Bryant Zenteno-Luna |
Continued Prayers for:
Judy Banks, Jared Blanchard, Winona Burroughs, Marlene Burrus, Susan Carroll, Joe Curtis, Damian Dowches, Margie Easley, Reagan Farrow, Rosanne Gaidon, Anne Hennig, Robin McGraw, Nancy Myers, Haley Nash, Alyssa Plumbeig, Susan and George Sawyer, Lacey Schwartz, Melodi Schwartz, Gus Slaughter, Tommy Swisstack, Janet Young, Addicts and alcoholics and their families, For the war in Ukraine & Israel. Lord, hear our prayer… |
Please call the church office (252-986-2149) to request a name to be added to the prayer list. You can also the link Prayer Request/Praise Report |
Hatteras United Methodist Charge
PO Box 310, Hatteras, NC 27943 Office Hours:
Mon.-Fri. 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Phone #252-986-2149 hatterasumccharge@gmail.com
Web: hatterasumccharge.org
Stephanie Tenpenny- Administrative Assistant
To contact Cape Hatteras United Methodist Men:
The Beacon District – beaconddistrict@nccumc.org
Bishop: Rev. Connie Mitchell Shelton
DS: Rev. Gina Miller, A.D.S.: Ashley Kennedy
Rev. Amanda Hedden cell: 336-516-8828 ahedden@nccumc.org