Hatteras UMC


According to the records of the annual Conference on Archives and History, the first deed for a Hatteras Church was recorded in 1841.  Since that time the Methodist Church ahs been a vital part of the Hatteras Village community.  First located on the beach, it was later rebuilt on the present property.  The great hurricane of 1899 badly damaged the structure and another church was built the next year.  Due to a growing congregation , this small church could not accommodate the people.  In 1908 with the pastor’s insistence, a larger structure replaced the smaller building.  It was in 1955 and in the same location as the previous two churches that the existing sanctuary and education wing was completed. A stain glass window was installed in the center of the chancel area and for over half a century reminded the parishioners that they are children of God and Jesus is our great teacher.  Storm tides of hurricanes and northeasters have frequently flooded the existing structure.  And with a  rising sea level, the water table has slowly migrated closer and closer to the ground’s surface.  These factors created excessive humid conditions below the building.  Decay causing organisms flourished in the sills and supporting pillars eventually creating a sagging floor in the sanctuary.  This precipitated another major overhaul of the church and in June of 2005, a self-bailing church with a concrete floor was once again ready to serve as a place of worship in Hatteras Village.  During this major renovation, the stain glass windows located on the south and west walls of the sanctuary and in the doors on each side of the chancel area were installed.  Locally designed and custom built, these windows celebrate the heart and soul of this island community.


Hatteras meets at 11:15. All are welcome!